samedi 8 novembre 2014

Kader Attia

cité à la séance du jeudi 6 novembre en écho à la conférence de Jean Arnaud "Poétique de l'usure et usages documentaires : de l'appropriation à la notion de réparation dans l'oeuvre de Kader Attia"
au colloque L'usure, excès d'usages et bénéfice de l'art, de Markten, Bruxelles, 6-8 novembre 2014.

The Repair from Occident to Extra-Occidental Cultures. 2012

Shelves, wooden sculptures made by traditional sculptors of Dakar, Senegal, marble sculptures made by traditional sculptors of Carrara, Italy, vintage newspapers and books, ancient revues, original photographs, African artifacts repaired in their original context, photocopies, metallic elements, slide show
Repair as cultural anthropophagy and resistance
Video film, vitrines, mestizo objects (objects of extraoccidental cultures integrating an element of occidental cultures), trench art (objects made in trenches by soldiers of WW1 with bullets' cartridges and artillery shells)

A voir à Anvers au Middelheim Museum
Culture, Another Nature Repaired
October 25, 2014 – March 29, 2015

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